
About Us

Who We are?

Malaysian Organisation of Pharmaceutical Industries 

The Malaysian Organisation of Pharmaceutical Industries (MOPI) was incorporated on March 6th 1981, as a company limited by guarantee, by eight local, foreign and joint venture companies involved in the manufacture of pharmaceutical products. MOPI membership is open to all manufacturers of pharmaceutical products whose manufacturing facilities in Malaysia are licensed by the Drug Control Authority, Ministry of Health. All Associate Membership category is also available on application. MOPI’s original membership of eight has grown to the current 52. All major pharmaceutical manufacturers in the country are members of MOPI.


  • Established in 1981
  • 52 members in 2023
  • Produces 35% of Malaysia’s medicines
  • Consistent 5 - 7% growth annually
  • Part of ETP under EPP3

Our Vision

Malaysia recognised as a world class pharmaceutical manufacturing hub.

Our Mission

Promoting access to quality and affordable Malaysian manufactured pharmaceutical products.

Main Activities

MOPI, in co-operation with the government and other relevant bodies, represents the interests of the pharmaceutical industry.
Promotion and development of the pharmaceutical industry.
Foster closer co-operation among members of the Industry.
Facilitate and encourage the development, exchange and transfer of information and technology, domestically and internationally.
Promote and facilitate orderly trade in life science products.

Strategic Role

The MOPI members collectively produces about 35% of Malaysia’s medicine requirements. In terms of product range, MOPI members collectively have the capability to manufacture more than 80% of the products in the National Essential Drugs List of Malaysia.
To a large extent, MOPI’s existence has been a medium and catalyst for the rapid development and capitalization of the local pharmaceutical industry during the last decade.
It has evolved into a modern and sophisticated sector of the Malaysian economy, one that is capable of producing a wide range of products in compliance with the PIC/S standards of Good Manufacturing Practice.
MOPI has also taken on the role of training personnel in the industry in the latest GMP and technologies evolving in the industry.

Malaysian Organisation of Pharmaceutical Industries 

The Malaysian Organisation of Pharmaceutical Industries (MOPI) was incorporated on March 6th 1981, as a company limited by guarantee, by eight local, foreign and joint venture companies involved in the manufacture of pharmaceutical products. MOPI membership is open to all manufacturers of pharmaceutical products whose manufacturing facilities in Malaysia are licensed by the Drug Control Authority, Ministry of Health. All Associate Membership category is also available on application. MOPI’s original membership of eight has grown to the current 46. All major pharmaceutical manufacturers in the country are members of MOPI.


  • Established in 1981
  • 44 members in 2018
  • Produces 35% of Malaysia’s medicines
  • Consistent 5 - 7% growth annually
  • Part of ETP under EPP3

Our Vision

Malaysia recognised as a world class pharmaceutical manufacturing hub.

Our Vision

Malaysia recognised as a world class pharmaceutical manufacturing hub.

Main Activities

MOPI, in co-operation with the government and other relevant bodies, represents the interests of the pharmaceutical industry.
Promotion and development of the pharmaceutical industry.
Foster closer co-operation among members of the Industry.
Facilitate and encourage the development, exchange and transfer of information and technology, domestically and internationally.
Promote and facilitate orderly trade in life science products.

Strategic Role

The MOPI members collectively produces about 35% of Malaysia’s medicine requirements. In terms of product range, MOPI members collectively have the capability to manufacture more than 80% of the products in the National Essential Drugs List of Malaysia.
To a large extent, MOPI’s existence has been a medium and catalyst for the rapid development and capitalization of the local pharmaceutical industry during the last decade.
It has evolved into a modern and sophisticated sector of the Malaysian economy, one that is capable of producing a wide range of products in compliance with the PIC/S standards of Good Manufacturing Practice.
MOPI has also taken on the role of training personnel in the industry in the latest GMP and technologies evolving in the industry.